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Minutes of November 20, 2003
NOVEMBER 20, 2003

7:00 P.M.  Called meeting to order.  Present:  Ellen Abelson, Richard Gorden, Paula  Keefe and Mark Mazur

The Board discussed fiscal year 2004 tax rate options and related figures within the tax rate recapitulation form.   Tax rates of 16.34, 16.38 and 16.42 were discussed. Options for the motor vehicle estimated receipts was a particular point of emphasis.  Motor vehicle estimated receipts of $1,800,000, $1,900,000, and $2,000,000 were considered.  Selectman David Grasfield, Town Administrator Ben Puritz and Finance Committee member Charles Goodman took part in the discussion with the Board of Assessors.

The Board reviewed and approved, as amended, the minutes to our October 21, 2003 meeting.

The Board reviewed and approved the minutes to our November 4, 2003 meeting.

The Board noted that a contract for photography services with Vision Appraisal Technology has been sent to Town Counsel for review.

The Board read a notice from the state notifying us that our FY2004 assessments have been certified by the state.

The Board was notified that our FY2004 new growth has been approved by the state.

The Board took the following actions on the following fiscal year 2005 applications for classification under M.G.L. Chapter 61A:
                 A. Ward                               granted for 1 parcel
                 Parrish Family LLC            granted for 1 parcel
                 Morse Brothers, Inc.          granted for 4 parcels
                 P. & V. Andrews                       granted for 1 parcel
                 D. & M. Arguimbau             granted for 3 parcels
                 R. & G. Morse,  Jr.           granted for 2 parcels
                 J. & G. Mazzotta                      granted for 1 parcel
                 G. & G. Steinberg             granted for 1 parcel

The Board signed notices of action for the following fiscal year 2005 applications for classification under M.G.L. Chapter 61A:
Parrish Family Trust
Morse Brothers, Inc.
P. & V. Andrews
D. & M. Arguimbau
J. & G. Mazotta
G. & G. Steinberg
R. G. Morse Jr. Trust

The Board took the following actions on the following fiscal year 2005 applications for classification under M.G.L. Chapter 61B:
   Spring Valley Country Club granted for 2 parcels
    Sharon Fish & Game Club, Inc. granted for 7 parcels
    Walpole Country Club granted for 1 parcel
    Sharon Country Club, Inc. granted for 5 parcels
    Massapoag Sportsmen’s Club Inc. granted for 2 parcels

The Board signed notices of action for the following fiscal year 2005 applications for classification under M.G.L. Chapter 61B:
    Spring Valley Country Club, Inc.
    Sharon Fish & Game Club, Inc.
    Walpole Country Club
    Sharon Country Club, Inc.
    Massapoag Sportsmen’s Club Inc.

The Board granted a clause 41C exemption for FY2004 for the owner of 75 Brook Rd., PIN102044000.

The Board of Assessors resumed their discussion of the fiscal year 2004 tax rate and related figures within the tax rate recapitulaiton form.  Taxpayer Marc Bluestein took part in the discussion.  After lengthy discussion the Board unanimously approved a fiscal year 2004 tax rate of 16.38 and a motor vehicle estimated receipt of $1,900,000.  The Board then signed the fiscal year 2004 tax rate recapitulation form.

9:00 P.M.  Adjourned